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Advancing Discoveries with Expert Scientific Disciplines

Join us for a comprehensive exploration of drug discovery at BOS Basel 2024! Sygnature Discovery is at the forefront of advancing discoveries with specialised scientific disciplines including chemistry, biology, protein science & structural biology, in vivo pharmacology, DMPK, and Form and Formulation. As one of the world’s largest drug discovery CROs, Sygnature Discovery is well positioned to provide a comprehensive high-value offering through our co-located sites across the UK and Canada. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with our scientific team at stand 60 on June 19-20.

Type: Service / Capability Showcase

Category: CMC: Small Molecules, Drug Substance
CMC: Small Molecules, Drug Product
CMC: Small Molecules, Analytical
Discovery: Target Discovery
Discovery: Discovery Chemistry
Discovery: Discovery Biology
Discovery: DMPK

Hashtags: #biology, #chemistry, #cro, #dmpk, #drugdiscovery, #formulationdevelopment, #invivopharmacology, #proteinscienceandstructuralbiology