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Biochemical Production Solutions for Peptides and Proteins

Numaferm GmbH, located in Düsseldorf, is a biotechnology company offering the innovative Numaswitch platform for the efficient biochemical production of peptides and proteins. This advanced approach enables the production of these biomolecules in high quantities and purities, ideal for both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical applications. Furthermore, we have developed the unique Numacut TEV protease, which reliably and efficiently cleaves any protein tag from target proteins. Its substrate recognition has been expanded from ENLYFQ↓S/G to ENLYFQ↓X (where X represents any amino acid except proline), broadening the range of compatible substrates. This enables the acquisition of target proteins with their native N-terminus intact and without any additional amino acid attachments.

Type: Service / Capability Showcase

Category: CMC: Biologics, Drug Substance
CMC: Biologics, Drug Product
CMC: Biologics, Analytical

Hashtags: #biochemicalsolutions, #biopharma, #biotech, #peptides, #proteins, #tevprotease