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Unlock the full potential of your injectable product

Vetter is a global leading contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO), headquartered in Ravensburg, Germany, with production facilities in Germany, Austria and the United States. The company has long-term experience in supporting biotechnology and pharmaceutical customers both large and small. Vetter services range from early stage development support including clinical manufacturing, to commercial supply and numerous packaging solutions for vials, syringes and cartridges. As a leading solution provider, Vetter appreciates its responsibility to support the needs of its customers by developing devices that contribute to increased patient safety, convenience, and compliance. Great importance is also given to social responsibility including environmental protection and sustainability. Learn more about Vetter at

Type: New Capacity

Category: CMC: Biologics, Drug Product
CMC: Biologics, Analytical
CMC: Biologics, Drug Delivery
CMC: Small Molecules, Drug Product
CMC: Small Molecules, Analytical
CMC: Small Molecules, Drug Delivery
CMC: Small Molecules, Packaging

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