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MyBiotech, CDMO experts in Nanomedicine

German CDMO operating in biotech and pharmaceuticals fields with core expertise in nanopharmaceuticals & particle engineering. Our R&D labs and cGMP-manufacturing site provide end to end solutions from concept to clinical batch manufacturing including development, transfer and GMP production of nano- and microparticle formulations. We also provide Quality Control, Batch release and Stability studies.

Type: New Service / Capability

Category: CMC: Biologics, Drug Substance
CMC: Biologics, Drug Product
CMC: Biologics, Analytical
CMC: Biologics, Drug Delivery
CMC: Small Molecules, Drug Substance
CMC: Small Molecules, Drug Product
CMC: Small Molecules, Analytical
CMC: Small Molecules, Drug Delivery

Hashtags: #cdmo, #mybiotech, #nanoformulations, #nanomedicine, #nanoparticle, #pharmamanufacturing