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Integrated CDMO focused on bringing your molecules to clinic

Ardena is a fully integrated Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO), with a core focus on bringing molecules to the clinics. Our comprehensive suite of services caters to every stage of pharmaceutical development, ensuring a smooth progression from initial idea to clinical application. From small-molecule API projects, to drug product development, navigating phase-appropriate processes under cGMP conditions, and facilitating clinical packaging and logistics. Furthermore, as experts in nanomedicine development, we offer scalable formulation, process, and analytical development, alongside GMP manufacturing, ensuring our partners meet their clinical schedules effectively. Ardena is also recognized for its expertise in bioanalysis solutions that cater to diverse drug products and biomarkers, spanning small molecules to proteins, including antibodies, ADCs, oligonucleotides, and vaccines. Meet our expert team at BOS Basel, booth 44.

Type: Service / Capability Showcase

Category: CMC: Biologics, Drug Product
CMC: Biologics, Analytical
CMC: Biologics, Drug Delivery
CMC: Biologics, Packaging
CMC: Small Molecules, Drug Substance
CMC: Small Molecules, Drug Product
CMC: Small Molecules, Analytical
CMC: Small Molecules, Drug Delivery
CMC: Small Molecules, Packaging

Hashtags: #ardena, #asepticfilling, #cdmo, #cdmoanalyticalsolidstate, #cmofillfinish, #crocmcbioanalysischaracterisationstabilitystudiesbatchtestingbio, #drugdelivery, #drugdevelopment, #drugmanufacturing, #drugproduct, #drugproductcdmo, #drugproductdevelopment, #drugsubstance, #fillandfinish, #fillfinish, #highpotency, #hotmeltextrusion, #orphandrugs, #solidstate, #solidstatechemistry, #spraydrying