Adverts on BOS Events

BOS Adverts (Ads) is a new feature we are introducing to allow you to share your News with our Community

Use our Ads to showcase New Capacity, New Capabilities, New Equipment, New Expertise, New Partnerships & Deals, New Job Opportunities and More!

A Picture Paints a Thousand Words!
Task your creative talent to deliver Fantastic visuals whilst also communicating your company update!

Qualifying Criteria
All BOS 2023-2024 organisations are invited to submit a single Advert which will be placed on the Adverts page. The image size is optimised for sharing on Linkedin. Note, Bio2Business retains the right to withdraw Ads for quality control reasons.

What Does the Ad consist of?
One large image: 1110 pixels wide x 580 pixels high
The Ad title, a description, BOS Type and Categories, a hyperlink and hashtags.

Where will my Ad appear?
On the BOS Adverts Page of each Event (e.g. BOS Basel 2024) and on your BOS Company Profile. We can also create a Linkedin post based on your Ad to highlight your participation at BOS Events! This is all complimentary an each organisation attending a BOS Event.

BOS Ads Booster
As well as featuring on the BOS Adverts page, your Ad will also appear:
On the BOS Event homepage (random rotation basis)
On the BOS Event Partnering page (random rotation) in the header image
In the Conference Venue (e.g. Congress Centre, Basel), showcased from a ceiling projector onto a screen.

Please contact Richard for more information about the Booster

Request access to BOS Adverts